Newsletter 30th July ’05
Hi there,
Sorry for the 4 month’s gap between this and the last newsletter - there really is no excuse, although for the first couple of months websites, exhibitions and holidays kept me from getting out much in the way of new work, so there's not such a lot of catching up to do as you might think…
New Stuff
Recent Paintings:
I have added 'The Bank Holiday Fairy' to my miniature series of 'Drinking Girls'. Just in time for the British summer, she sits miserably sheltering from the rain, with green wellies and a mug of coffee. Unless of course the weather is her fault all along? I have another theory that the poor thing was jilted on a bank holiday, and has since cursed every one of them to be wet and cold... 'The Monsters who wanted my Ice Cream' is also a recent image, and much larger.
I've continued to find I rather like working in pencil - nice sharp propelling pencils, which are very good for details - see below for a part of 'The Wrong Cocktail Bar'. I've also added new sections in the Gallery, one for the Drinking Girls, and one for Drawings.

'The Bank Holiday Fairy' (above).

A detail of 'The Wrong Cocktail Bar'
The whole print is available as a limited edition at the full size of about 16x21 inches - sorry no smaller prints of this one.
The Websites
The Dolls website has taken up a large chunk of my recent time. Now, you'd not necessarily have noticed it in any large increase of photographs, but if you've visited my site within the last couple of months the site itself has had some changes. In fact I have re-written the entire thing from scratch, taking time out first of all to teach myself how to write the code myself - it's now a lot easier to maintain, and maybe I have finally ironed out most of the bugs and it is displaying beautifully when you look at it (one can but hope...).
Next on the list is the 150 page monster that is my paintings website, but don't expect many changes to that for another two or three months. When I do get round to it I shall finally restore the list of available originals that people ask me about occasionally...
I have also recently acquired, which is currently operating as a sort of invitation the paintings and dolls sites, because I can't currently think of anything else to do with it...
New Fetishdollies Photos, and even a Film!
I've added a New Work page to the dolls site, too, where I plan to make it easy to find any new stuff I have added. Here are a couple of items:

Well it's nice to see someone has been doing a bit of housework, because I haven't... the Gimp Dolly (aka. the Rev. Smiles) has been doing a spot of ironing, and hovering, too - sorry about his mask - I know some people think it's quite alarming - but he really does look better with it on...
The Dollies make a Film!

'Two Man Ridge Tent'
In a manner not un-reminiscent of 'Carry on Camping' the dolls have (almost) got into film-making. It's really a fast-run collection of stills, and not a film as such, but I have created a 'Film Gallery' and this is so far its only occupant.
For details, please see my exhibitions page.
Here are the links for my ebay listings:
prints of my painted work or search for seller id nancy_farmer
prints of the doll pictures or search for seller id fetishdollies
That's about it for now - anything else you want to know, email me...
take care
Nancy Farmer
Visit the Dolls website at
Visit my Gallery of Paintings at
All images © Nancy Farmer (unless otherwise stated), all rights reserved. Please email me if you wish to reproduce any of the images on this site