New Work
For my latest artwork please see my blog:
This website has sadly become so ancient and unwieldy I am in desperate need of re-creating a new one from scratch, and so I am no-longer updating it after I have added the 2015 calendar pictures. One day there will be a brand new website which I can more easily keep up to date, for the moment there is my art blog, my Cat-of-the-Day blog, my Facebook page, my Etsy Shop, and if you would like to be kept up to date with the occasional email please email me and ask to be added to the emailing list.

August ’14 – Etchings for the 2015 calendar '12 Views of the Tor'
finished: January - April ’14
The images in 2015's calendar are reproductions of a series of 12 intaglio prints inspired by Glastonbury Tor, a much loved, mysterious and historical feature of the local landscape. The original prints themselves were monochrome, but to several I have added coloured details. Until I run out, the calendars will be available and details can be found on my calendars page. In addition, limited numbers of the original etching and drypoint prints are available - to see each one go to the 2014 calendar gallery, or contact me for more information.

The Naked masquarade
finished: May ’13
The first painting where I actually stopped at the 'blue underpainting' stage, without adding colour. I did, however, add rather a lot of gold leaf.

Clevedon Mermaids
finished: April ’13
A fundraising competition run by Clevedon Pier... as one of the winners I got my own deckchair made up with my own picture on it!

Digitalis Purpurea, the Foxglove Fairy
finished: May ’13
Another addition to my increasingly strange collection of alternative and poisonous flower fairies.

Urtica Dioica, Stinging Nettle Fairies
finished: June ’13
A fairly alarming bunch of fairies, this lot, but not without their good points.

December ’13 – Etchings for the 2014 calendar 'A Medusa for All Seasons'
finished: October ’12 - April ’13
The images in 2014's calendar are reproductions of a series of 12 intaglio prints inspired by the passing of the months, and all featuring Medusa, the snake-haired lady - some say goddess - of Greek myth and legend. Until I run out, the calendars will be available and details can be found on my calendars page. In addition, limited numbers of the original etching and drypoint prints are available - to see each one go to the 2014 calendar gallery, or contact me for more information.

Two very different portraits...
finished: November ’12, March ’13
Occasionally I get asked to paint portraits of people, but generally only if those people want themselves, or their loved-ones, to be made to look like fairies or demons. The first of the thumbnails above is very much a case in point, the second portrait a rather ununual one for me.

September ’12 – The Calendar paintings
finished: June - September ’12
This series of paintings (and two drawings) were for my 2013 calendar. It started with a very simple idea: one fairy for January, two for February, three for March... and so on. A very simple idea, but a quick calculation will reveal that the entire year adds up to an impressive total of 78 fairies... It took a bit of doing.

September ’12 – A long-overdue update!
finished: around July ’11 - June ’12
Well it's been too long since I added new work to this website! In my defence I would like to say that I now also post updates on a blog at, where you can frequently read about my very recent (indeed often unfinished) paintings, and see step-by-step photographs of many of them as they develop.
Meanwhile, to this site I have just added all of those pictures above - click on the thumbnails to see them individually. They include 4 commissions, an etching, last year's Christmas Card picture, and another Masquerade scene, this one with a great deal of gold leaf as foil for a rather unusual almost monochromatic painting. I have also added four Poison Flower Fairies - a new series I thought would be entertaining to go with The Flower Fairies Go to Seed. That brings my unusual Flower Fairy paintings to a total of 7, so I have also created a special Alternative Flower Fairies gallery. I believe this may now bring me right up to date, except for the calendar paintings, which I am in the process of finishing.

February ’12 – Mezzotints and more Etchings
finished: October ’11 - February ’12
I have added a set of 5 Mezzotint prints to the site - a printmaking technique I am completely new to and which has become a little obscure, so ckick on the thumbnails not only to see the new images but also to see an explanation of the pricess. Then there is another set of 5 prints - all etchings incorporationg gold leaf and all inspired by proverbs about gold. And lastly, a single etching featuring: 'Wine, Women and Cats...

October ’11 – A Murder of Crows
finished: September ’11
I like painting masquerades. I like the way in which the mere addition of masks to a scene tips the image into a curious no-mans-land between fantasy and reality. This one is inspired by my favourite collective noun: 'A Murder of Crows'.

July ’11 – A lot of gilded paintings and another couple of etchings.
finished: Autumn ’10 - Summer ’11
For once I think this site is up to date - bar a few coasters I think I have now put all my recent work up, and a very shiny, bright and gleaming collection it is this time! There are several new paintings with a lot of 24 carat gold on them: I am particularly fond of 'The Royal Wedding' which, sadly, wasn't finished in time for this year's event, but I hope it will be worth the wait. Then there are 'Gilded Lilies' and 'The Rumour' - two more very golden paintings. I have also finished a new edition to 'The Flower Fairies run to Seed' - a row of Runner Bean fairies, and, bringing the paintings completely up to date, is last year's Christmas card painting, which somehow got left behind. On top of that I have added two more etchings to the etchings gallery, and even one of those - 'Paris' Dilemma' - has optional gold leaf on it. Some of this gilding inevitable let to 'waste' sheets of used gold transfer leaf, which are about to be converted into coasters to glamorize your coffee mugs! Please email me if you'd like details of those, because they are, just for now, only things still waiting to be added to the site...

June ’11 – About time I added these to the site: several more etchings!
finished: Autumn ’10 - Spring ’11
This little lot - and a few more to come - are largely responsible for the relative scarcity of new paintings on this site lately (though I have two or three of those to be added soon, too). Since I started with the etching I have had a lot less time to paint - not that I am really complaining - I have some lovely etching prints - original artwork every one of them, and yet a lot more affordable than my paintings! This is a quite different medium to my paints, somewhat unpredictable and suited to bolder, darker, less fussy images. If you are interested in the actual technical process I have put up a few photos on a Facebook album here where, amongst photos of the finished pieces you can also find a few photos and explanations of the actual process. Some day I will do this properly and actually post some details on my website. For the meantime, you have the pictures to enjoy, and a few more to come soon...

June ’11 – A few more Stain Devils
finished: April ’11
I have added a few more Stain Devil coasters to the site - nowadays you have to be quick to get these, though, as friends, relatives and acquaintances seem to keep buying them off me... or getting them as presents!

June ’11 – More Life Drawings... too many Life Drawings!
finished: Jan - May ’11
I have just photographed a selection of the more successful life drawings that I've completed this year and added them to the site. There are in fact too many life drawings on the site now, they swamp the shop and they are seriously due a weeding-out! Of course, if I spend all day drawing naked people, only a few of the drawings end up as attractive, frameable pictures, so naturally a lot of weeding goes on before I show them to you, nonetheless, I have had more opportunity to do life drawing lately, and have built up quite a selection. If you'd like to see them in the flesh (so to speak) don't forget I usually display them when I have exhibitions nowadays - for a list of those check out my exhibitions page....

March ’11 – The Flower Fairies run to Seed
finished: August ’10
Continuing the theme of large fairies, begun with the 'Fairy Cakes' pictures, I thought it would be a rather nice plan to do a few 'mature' flower fairies - not the thin skinny little ones you expect, but big curvy ones at the 'fruit' stage of a flower or plant's life. And I picked the ones growing in my garden as that seemed like a rather nice idea. Unfortunately there are so far only two paintings: pumpkin and rose. I started one about runner beans that I shall one day finish, and maybe later there shall be more.

October ’10 – More Etchings
finished: March - May ’10
I have updated the Etchings section more-or-less all the etchings to date are on the website now, bar a couple of experimental bits and bobs.

September ’10 – Four New Fairy Paintings
finished: June and July ’10
Four new fairy paintings have been added to the collection. I particularly like the large and curvaceous Fairy Cakes fairies, and in fact have a few more generously proportioned fairies planned...

July ’10 – Tea on the Lawn
finished: June ’10
A typical English summer scene... not, as it happens, typical of this particular summer, though, which is just typical!

July ’10 – Better the Last Smile than the First Laughter
finished: June ’10
This painting was visible for some time on my Facebook page, but has only just made it to the website. I photographed it as I went along and posted pictures of it - you can see the work in progress here in my facebook album. Now it's finished, it has finally made it to the website. Much gilding went on with this one again, this time in two colours of gold.

May ’10 – Front cover for Murky Depths
finished: February ’10
Another new picture for Murky Depths magazine - this time for the front cover of issue 12, just out this week, and the story is by Jon Courtenay Grimwood - click the thumbnail to see it.

April ’10 – A Gallery of Etchings
finished: November ’09 - February ’10
I have a whole new 'Etchings' section in my gallery. I finally got round to posting up the first of my etching prints - something I've been doing since about last October. These are an entirely new technique to anything else on this site and are original handmade prints in very small edition runs (there will be no digital prints of these pictures). At some point I shall post a little information on the website about what etching prints are and how it's all done, but for the moment I have quite a lot of information in the 'etchings' photo album I've been adding to on Facebook, where you can see some step-by-step photographs, some of the actual etching plates and also glimpses of etchings I've yet to add here. Click here to go to the Facebook album.

February ’10 – The Guilty Party
finished: January ’09
Here is 'The Guilty Party', a picture which, I have to say, took rather a long time (for me anyway) and included at least 4 solid days gilding the background in 24 carat gold...

February ’10 – Murky Depths Illustration: Heart of Clay
finished: December ’09
An illustration for issue 11 of Murky Depths Magazine. Golems and vampires: an unusual combination. The story was by DK Thompson.

January ’10 – Murky Depths Illustration: Soul Music
finished: September ’09
A new illustration for issue 10 of Murky Depths Magazine, to a hilarious story by Richard Rippon called 'Soul Music'

January ’10 – Christmas 2009: Three Wise Angels
finished: October ’09
My latest Christmas offering...

November ’09 – The Department of Dangerus and Unusual Canapés
finished: March ’09
This is a series I finished in the spring of this year. I held off adding them to the website because I wanted them 'new' for an exhibition in the summer, and somehow they never made it on to the website. So, it's high time I introduced you to the girls from the Department of Dangerous and Unusual Canapés...

November ’09 – Stain Devils and Permanent Sketches
finished: September, October ’09
I have been adding to my stock of 'small stuff' over the last few months - in time for an exhibition in Bath next week (plus a few other events - see my Future Exhibitions page). There are now many more 'Stain Devil' coasters and Permanent Sketches - to see them all, have a look in the Small Stuff Gallery.

July ’09 – Murky Depths Illustration: 'Is this My Last Testament?'
finished: May ’09
These were simply fun to do, very gothic-horror kind of setting, and, though I'm not giving away the plot, the observant amongst you will notice a kind of werewolfy theme to the pictures. Something of a first for me, I think - can't recall ever having done a werewolf picture before.
If you want to read the story, which is called 'Is this My Last Testament?' written by Juliet E. McKenna, you'll have to buy a copy of Murky Depths # 9 - available for sale now from the Murky Depths website.

July ’09 – Stain Devils
finished: July ’09
These are really more demons in coasters, like the gold lot, but these have a different story, and come complete with a fine selection of ready-made tea, coffee, and wine stains, so you don't have to spill your drinks on your actual furniture.

June ’09 – Fishnets
finished: June ’09
Mermaids in Fishnets! Just in time to make it into the Sirens in Stockings exhibition (for more about that, visit my Future Exhibitions page.

June ’09 – A Romantic Picnic, Spoiled by Mermaids
finished: June ’09
This was done to fit in with the general theme of 'Messing About on the River'. The picture is off to the 303 Gallery, in Martock (Somerset, UK), if you know it. They have no website but there are some more details at the bottom of my Exhibitions page.

June ’09 – Frolicking Fairies
finished: May ’09
I have added a brand new picture to the site that really belongs to the 'Fornicating Fairies' group of drawings on It is, however, a lot more subtle than those rather overt creations, so I thought it would do just as well on this site...

May ’09 – Illustration for Murky Depths: 'Out of Time'
finished: Feb ’09
This was for Murky Depths # 8 - a story by Jack Westlake, and a bit of a tricky one...

May ’09 – Life Drawing Sketches
finished: 2008-2009
I have finally got round to putting up a few (quite a few) of my life drawing sketches on this site. It's not the usual thing you've come to expect of me, possibly, but I do do quite a lot of life drawing nowadays, so I have made a gallery all for them.

May ’09 – Demons in a coaster
finished: March ’09
I have a few more Demon Coasters - these ones are available straight from me, but there are only 12 new ones at present, so if you're interested in buying any, let me know. There will be more presently. The coasters are in the Small Stuff section of the gallery.
New work on another site:
April ’09 – Fornicating Fairies & Fairy Sutra
finished: Sept ’08 - Feb ’09
Introducing Fornicating Fairies - the website! For those who've not read the previous notes about this, I have a little group of artwork that is a bit more risqué than the rest of my stuff. So, partly in an effort not to alarm those who think I only do 'nice' fairies, and partly because it's a very fine name for a website, I have created Do take a peek, though depending on where one works these could generally be described as 'not safe for work!'.

April ’09 – Medusa's Hammock
finished: April ’09
Medusa, relaxing in her rather unusual garden...
Incidentally, I posted work in progress images in a facebook album if you would like to see this painting develop - click here to see.
March ’09 – Coasters and Buttons

I have put up a few bits and pieces that are very small items, but all original artwork.
First there is the series of Demons in a Coaster - as a direct result of producing so many gold fairies I now find I have a surplus of gold demons, so I have been carefully trapping them in coasters for safe viewing and for keeping coffee rings off your table.

Then there is also a series of Original Buttons - these are even smaller - tiny circular drawings of demons, fairies, angels, and quite possibly the occasional vampire - all safely trapped inside their own little inch-and-a-quarter button badge. These are not currently listed on this site in their entirety, but I am putting all those available in my Etsy shop, and you can see a selection on this site too.
All of these things now live in a section in the Gallery that I've called Small Stuff, which is also where the Permanent Sketches have gone to.
Click the thumbnails to go the appropriate pages...

February ’09 – The Gatecrasher
finished: January ’09
Demons, as previously discussed on this site, are quite keen on social gatherings, and frequently have cocktail parties, to which they naturally invite their friends and colleagues. Unfortunately a few 'undesirable elements' are wont to appear once word gets out about free drinks and the possibility of picking up a 'bit of rough'...

January ’09 – Illustrations for Murky Depths # 7
finished: November ’08
More illustrations: these are for 'Murky Depths' # 7 - click the thumbnail above to see my illustrations to C.S. MacCath's wonderful short sci-fi story 'The Longest Road in the Universe'.

January ’09 – Cocktails with the Nouveaux Morts
finished: January ’09
Is it just me, or do there seem to be a lot of Vampires around lately? Whatever, I generally struggle to get any of them into my pictures, but I have made a special effort and, following lengthy reasearch, have come up with what I hope is a slightly novel take on the Vampire theme.

December ’08 – In the Naughty Cupboard
finished: August ’08
And finally - the newest edition to my Christmas Gallery....
Merry Christmas to all, and all the best for 2009!

November ’08 – Murky Depths Illustration: 'Are You Lonesome Tonight?'
finished: August ’08
Another illustration - for 'Murky Depths' (issue 6) - click the thumbnail to read more, and to mark the fact that I now have a grand total of 2 illustrations on this site, I have even added an 'illustrations' section to the gallery, so they no longer have to reside in the 'commissioned portraits' bit, which wasn't really appropriate anyway....

August ’08 – Murky Depths Illustration: 'So This Is Mi'
paintings finished: May ’08
I don't often do illustrations, but this one was fun! This is an illustration I did a few months ago for Sci Fi / Fantasy / Horror anthology 'Murky Depths' (issue 5) - click the thumbnail to read more.

July ’08 – Medusa's Gimps
finished: July ’08
Medusa discovers a new vocation... and a slightly tacky taste in interior decor.

June ’08 – Origami Mermaids - group of 3 paintings
paintings finished: June ’08
This is a group of 3 paintings done especially for The 303 Gallery's Summer Exhibition, entitled "Fish and Ships"

June ’08 – Platinum Fairies!
newest drawings finished: June ’08
A couple of weeks ago I completed the 50th Gold Fairy.... and as I thought number 51 should be something a bit special I did him in Platinum. Yes I know I said I wouldn't, platinum being so much more of a pain than gold, and horribly expensive but, well, I had a few sheets of platunum leaf left over from The Mariage of Heaven and Hell so it seemed silly in the end, not to use it up...
After that it seemed a bit silly to call that one Gold Fairy 51, so he became Platinum Fairy 1. At present I've completed Platunum Fairy 2 and Gold Fairy 51. If you go to the Gold Fairies page you can see them all, though at time of writing the Platinum Fairy number 1 has gone to The 303 Gallery and is on display there...

May ’08 – Five Aces
painting finished: March ’08
Devils cheat at cards, just as one would imagine. The trouble is they all cheat, which is fair, in a way. Unfortunately all of them have an ace up their... well they have an ace anyway... and it's the same ace in each case, which is going to cause trouble. The she-devil on the right also has a '666' - which is probably a winning hand in Hell. I don't know, I've never been much good at cards.

May ’08 – The Sphinx changes the Rules
painting finished: May ’08
Another tale out of Ancient Greece - here is the Sphinx, somewhat more resourceful than the monster in the original story...

May ’08 – Commissioned Portraits
paintings finished: ’07 - ’08
I have a brand new section in my 'gallery' where I shall be displaying commissioned paintings. Now and then I get asked to paint portraits for people - naturally these tend to be people who actually want to be depicted as devils, fairies, angels, mermaids and so on - though I must admit that mostly they want to look like devils...
You can see the paintings by clicking the thumbnails, or go straight to the 'Commissions' page, where I've also put a bit of information for anyone interested in commissioning a painting from me, but please email me to find out more.

March ’08 – Painted Devils
painting finished: March ’08
The unholy trinity of she-devils returns - this time they are having their hooves painted in fetching shades to match their outfits - no self-respecting she-devil would be seen dead with scruffy hooves, and though sadly there are many devils without a shred of self-respect these girlies are not amongst them...

January ’08 – Medusa in Venus' Bedroom
painting finished: January ’08
Another one! It's becoming a good year for Medusa, but don't worry, if you don't like Medusa I will be getting round to some other subjects in due course... This one was to some extent inspired by the 'Rokeby Venus' by Diego Velázquez - which hangs in the National Gallery. Of course there's rather less danger in seeing Venus face to face - in my version it's Medusa who's seen in the mirror, which makes a lot more sense to my mind...

January ’08 – Medusa in England
painting finished: January ’08
Medusa's back again, and this time she's very definitely not at home...

January ’08 – Sirens on the Rocks
painting finished: March ’07
Here's a painting that seemed to have got left out of the site for a while - there were just too many other Maidmer paintings at the time - but this is probably my favourite of all of them - this time they are moving in on the Mermaids' patch, and the Mermaids are really not happy about it...

December ’07 – Rudolph's Revenge
painting finished: October ’07
Merry Christmas! At last I can put up the new Christmas image - finished over 2 months ago. This is the drawing I did for all my christmas cards this year. I think I have confused several more children, which is probably good for them...

November ’07 – The Infernal Gallop
painting finished: November ’07
This painting was done for an exhibition whose theme was 'Razzle Dazzle' - to my mind the idea of a line of demons doing the can-can seemed to fit the bill almost exactly. I was aware at the time that the best-known piece of music associated with the can-can is from the operetta 'Orpheus in the Underworld', but what I didn't know until I started looking for a title for this painting was that the title of that actual piece of music is the 'Galop Infernal' - or 'Infernal Gallop', to put it into English (which, considering my French, is probably the best thing). So there you are - a very festive and somewhat lurid painting - yes, it's really that bright in real life.

October ’07 – The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
painting finished: September ’07
This drawing was done specially for Gallery Eight's exhibition in Glastonbury, to celebrate the 250th anniversary of artist, poet and visionary William Blake.

August ’07 – More Gold Fairies
newest drawings finished: May - August ’07
... and a more user-friendly page:
I've been adding to the series of 'gold fairies' quietly, and I'm afraid they haven't always made it on to the website - partly because that page was getting a little weighed-down with the extra images... so I'm trying a slightly different kind if display, and as these are the originals I get most enquiries about I've arranged the fairies into groups of sold and unsold. anyway, if you visit the shiny new gold fairies page you will be able to browse through all the drawings (I hope! - if you have pop-ups blocked there may be a problem, but I hope I have avoided this...).
Please note: some fairies may in fact be demons. There is nothing I can do about this.

August ’07 – The Gorgon's new Man: 'Medusa and Oedipus'
painting finished: July ’07
Sophocles would be turning in his grave, but really - they're a perfect match - I mean, Medusa is actually pretty desperate and so likely to be happy with anyone, and Oedipus is hardly known for his ability to pick women (and it has to be said that even dating a Gorgon is probably less embarrassing than finding out you've accidentally been shagging your own mother...).

July ’07 – Medusa in Modesty
painting finished: July ’07
I thought I would address the delicate issue of Medusa's pubic hair - or pubic snakes, as it were. No one else seems to have considered this quite obvious question. If course this would lead one to wonder if the poor girl also has underarm snakes, too. One can only assume this to be the lamentable truth of the matter, however, I assume she shaves them off.

June ’07 – Dancing with the Minotaur
painting finished: June ’07
Well it seems I haven't yet finished with this as a theme - it's rather growing on me. Though this particular painting is rather soppier than most of my stuff I'm sure there is more scope yet (though I may eventually get tired of drawing the leaves on the hedges - there is a trick to making it look as if you've drawn ever leaf - and that's to draw every leaf... ).

June ’07 – Mrs Minotaur 2
painting finished: June ’07
As promised - Mrs Minotaur - again! Not that there's anything the matter with the other version as such - but it wasn't like what I had in my head - I think this is closer, and also ranks as the brightest, most over-coloured painting I've done, I think... mind you the competition wasn't stiff.... So - I'd like you to meet Mrs Minotaur 2 - exactly the same and completely different to the last Mrs Minotaur, if you see what I mean. Painted in gouache, as usual, but by a slightly different method, which accounts for its brightness. When I get round to it I may put the stage-by-stage photos up.

June ’07 – Mrs Minotaur
painting finished: June ’07
The Minotaur prowled King Minos' Labyrinth in the times of Ancient Greece, a terrible monster part bull, part man, or so the story goes...
Of course there was a Mrs Minotaur - she got him in the end - he just couldn't resist the slinky red dress, and then the maze became a far more civilized place, where one could feel quite at home, and probably even invite the neighbors round for a little drinkie.

April ’07 – Maidmers on the Beach
painting finished: March ’07
Another development of the Maidmers, following the much smaller picture Two Mermaids and a Maidmer. This time the Maidmers are a little more 'natural' - no stockings and shoes, but to match their cousins, they have - er - green pubic hair...

March ’07 – Arctic Mermaids
painting finished: March ’07
Here's a painting I've just finished - Arctic Mermaids. This is a rare form of mermaid specially adapted to the freezing seas of the arctic - huge and ungainly out of the water, compared to their skinny cousins from temperate regions, but graceful in the water, and of course they need the thick skin and layers of blubber to be well protected against the inhospitable temperatures, and probably against the Polar Bears, too. I seem to be having a bit of a run on Mermaids, as I've another 'Maidmer' picture to put up as well - coming soon.

February ’07 – Two Mermaids and a Maidmer
painting finished: Feb ’07
Another picture of the 'Maidmer'...or possibly 'Legfish' - the two names have been suggested to me in the time since I pasted up the drawing of this little scene a week or so ago and I like both so much I haven't even bothered to wonder what to call this sort of creature myself. Anyway - now in glorious technicolour - click the thumbnail to see it.

February ’07 – Permanent Sketches
Finished: Feb, March ’07
I took a break from long and complex drawings and have been doing some very small and often silly sketches - mostly in black and white pen on coloured paper. Amongst these, a rather more considered and slightly larger piece was for the 'Blood Relative' exhibition, which I'm taking part in, to be held at Bristol 'Paintworks', 2nd - 14th April 2007, in aid of Diabetes UK. The 'Permanent Sketches' were for my Glastonbury Exhibition - late April - early June. For the full details have a look at my Exhibitions page, and to see a small selection of the drawings click the thumbnail.

February ’07 – Masquerade 2
painting finished: Feb ’07
As promised, the follow up picture - a sort of demon fancy-dress party where they all get to dress up as people. I'm confident they would find this exciting and novel.

January ’07 – Masquerade 1
painting finished: Jan ’07
This is something of an expansion of the 'Party Faces' I did for Bridgwater Arts Centre's exhibition. A 'Masquerade 2' will be on its way, only that will be a little different...
All images and prints are © Nancy Farmer. Please email me if you wish to reproduce any of these images, or see my permissions page in the 'info' section.