Newsletter 16th September ’09
well, there've been updates, but not another 'proper' newsletter for a while, so it seemed about time. Mainly as I have quite a handful of events coming up, so without further delay, here goes...
Correction to the previous update: the London Xpo
I sent an update round telling everyone that the Xpo was cancelled. It isn't entirely, it would appear - London Alternative Market have leapt in and organized a replacement event. See the second event in my events list below...
I have a lot of stuff coming up soon including, yes finally, a solo exhibition booked in London. Though that's the last on the list and not coming round till next March. In the meantime, there are these things.
Please see my exhibitions page for full details of each event
Artists303 Open Exhibition
The Royal Bath & West Showground, Saturday 19th September to Sunday 4th October
I have submitted 3 paintings to this event, which Artists303 are holding as part of Somerset Arts Week (now confusingly known as Somerset Arts Works). The exhibition is accompanied by several arty activities that people can take part in throughout the exhibition, and sounds like it'll be a busy event in all. For full details have a look at the Artists303 website here: Free entry. I cannot say which, if any, of my pictures they will hang - we will just have to wait and see...
Address: Royal Bath and West Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6QN, (UK)
London Fetish Weekend 2009
Saturday 3rd Oct 12noon - 7pm, Sunday 4th Oct 12noon - 6pm
This is the Xpo 2009 replacement event: there is to be a market run by London Alternative Market, to replace the cancelled London Xpo.
I have booked a couple of metres space for this. To a large degree this is more about the pictures on my FetishDollies website:, but there are also several fetish-themed paintings in the gallery, too, that will probably fit in quite nicely.
I assume there is an entry fee, but I don't know what it is yet. for more info see the LAM website:
Location: George VII and Alexandra Suites, The National Hotel, 61-66 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London, WC1B 5BB, (UK)
'Monstrous Affairs' - solo exhibition, Bath, UK
Tuesday 17th - Saturday 21st November 2009.
This is in a gallery called 'Two Dragons of Bath' (see link), which is just south of the centre of Bath (far side of the river and the main road). I shall be in the gallery for the whole week, and available to answer any questions you might have about my artwork, or just to say hello. Admission free.
Opening times: 11.30am - 5.30pm
Two Dragons of Bath: Address: 2 Sussex Place (also known as Widcombe Parade), Bath, BA2 4LA, (UK)
Moorlynch Vineyard Christmas Fair
Details to be confirmed:
This is planned for Friday 27th - Sunday 29th November, with a possible Private View on the Thursday evening, 26th Dec. This is just up the road, in the village where I live, and will include several of the other local artists whom we have around here. Admission free. For more details please check back later or email me.
Address: Moorlynch Vineyard, Moorlynch, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 9DD, (UK)
Christmas Fair at Taunton School
Saturday 5th December 3.00pm – 9.00pm, and Sunday 6th December 10.00am - 4.00pm
"Taunton School will again be hosting a Christmas Fair on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th December 2009. Open to the public from 3pm - 9pm on Saturday and 10am - 4pm on Sunday. With over 70 exhibitors and lots of festive fun for children and adults, this is a not to be missed 'one stop shop' opportunity to browse and buy gifts in the run up to Christmas"
Naturally I will be leaving certain artworks behind when I take my stuff to this particular show, but I think I can find plenty of festive items to bring: cards, calendars, badges and prints etc... Admission free.
Taunton school website:
Address: Taunton School, Staplegrove Road, Taunton, Somerset, (UK)
Solo Exhibition at Orbital Comics, London
Sunday 21st - Saturday 27th March 2010 (exact dates to be confirmed)
This gallery is right in the middle of the West End - very near to Leicester Square tube station. Although it's now a comic bookshop, the building was a photography gallery for decades, and Orbital comics has left part of its shop as a gallery still. If you would like to pop in and say hello, it is likely that I shall be present in the gallery for the entire duration of the exhibition. Exact details still to be confirmed. Admission free.
Orbital Comics:
8 Gt Newport Street, London, WC2H 7JA, (UK)
New Artwork
About time I put some pictures in here, so here we go...
The Frog Gimp

This painting kind of came about because several people said they liked the little pirahna in the gimp mask in the Fishnets painting. Quite why you all want more animals in bondage gear is a mystery, but still, it got me thinking...

So, to return to the princess and her frog: Princes, frankly, are not very interesting. At least I don't think so, and neither does this princess. You see the frog, in his gimp mask, cannot be kissed. For the pedants amongst you, strictly he cannot be kissed on the mouth which is what counts when it comes to spell-breaking. And so the frog remains a frog, which is much more fun.
It may be interesting to note that in the original story of the Frog Prince that appeared in the Brother's Grimm stories, the princess doesn't actually kiss the frog at all. When nobody is looking she picks up the frog and throws him against the wall in a fit of pique! Quite when frog-kissing came into the story I couldn't say...
There's a close-up of this picture if you go to the The Frog Gimp page on the website. Also, I photographed this painting as I went along. If you'd like to see the photos, with occasional explanation, they are all on my Facebook page. Go to:

The Permanent Sketches return
I felt it was about time I had a few more small, affordable things to offer, so I have gone back to the 'Permanent Sketches' series. This is a group of drawings that was done originally for an exhibition in 2007 and they've been popping up ever since. Having sold two thirds of the first lot they are beginning to get a little thin on the ground so I've started to replenish the collection. They'll be appearing at the Bath exhibition (se above), and on the website in due course...
Here are just a few of the first new ones:

For anyone who's not seen these drawings before, they are up on my site in the 'Small Stuff' gallery - go to the Permanent Sketches page. I called them the 'Permanent Sketches' because they're all sketched straight off with permanent pens - no messing about with a pencil working out what the drawing is going to be this time. So they come out randomly, and sometimes a bit deranged. But the spontaneity makes a nice change from painstaking paintings that take a week or two to finish. This new lot seem largely to be devils, and a lot of them masked, for no good reason at all, but no-doubt some 'nice' fairies will be along presently...
More Stain Devils
The other collection of little items that I'm expanding is the Stain Devil Coasters. I mentioned these though, last time, so I won't bore you with them again as I don't yet have scans of any of the new ones. These will aso be going in the 'Small Stuff' gallery on the Stain Devils page - there are a few already there if you look.

Illustrations for Murky Depths
Another pair of illustrations, these ones for issue 9 of 'Murky Depths', a story by Juliet E. McKenna, called 'Is this My Last Testament?'. These were fun, and again, a bit of a change - never done a picture of a werewolf before... they're not really stylish enough for a gathering of my usual characters. But there's always a first time...

You can see bigger images on my website here:
The girls:
Copies of Murky Depths can be purchased from
Calendars and Cards
New Calendars for 2010
I have calendars again for 2010. Last year's postcard calendars proved quite popular, and though I briefly toyed with the idea of paying someone to actually print up some calendars for me in the usual fashion, rather than laboriously making them all up myself, in the end I decided to stick with last year's method and make postcard calendars. The chief advantage of these are that I can afford to offer a range of pictures and not just the one set of images. As you may have noticed over the years some of my pictures are a lot more naughty than others, so I have calendars to suit every taste. Well, every taste so long as you like some of my pictures, I hope!
To this end I have a Square calendar with images from my 'normal' paintings in it. I made it square this year so I could use a whole collection of pictures I haven't been able to have in the calendars before. It's made up of oversize postcards which are squared off, and I also indulged in the luxury of having the months printed on the backs of the pictures, so with this calendar you don't have to turn over two pages every time to get to the new month. Such decadence!
And, speaking of decadence, there are the other two calendars that I have to offer you: a brand new and very rude Fornicating Fairies calendar, and, for those who didn’t have a FetishDollies calendar last year, I'm re-creating the same one for 2010. Same images as last year on that one, I'm afraid.
Here's the Square calendar (below). All three calendars appear on this page here:
(though the latter two do appear with warnings, just in case they are not what you were expecting...)

The cards are back on my site
Well, I thought a few months back I would give up on the cards, and put them out on Ebay. Unfortunately Ebay isn't what it was, and I gave up on that idea. Instead, since I've improved the shopping cart, it's easier to buy cards from the website now, and I've added a price bracket above what I had before where you can order 20+ cards at quite a reduction.
And around about now I start getting enquiries about Christmas cards too, from those of you who are well organized, so I just thought I'd let you know that you can now buy copies of the newest (last year's) addition to the Christmas card archive: 'In the Naughty Cupboard'

But.... I'm running very short of some of the previous years' cards, particularly 'Bauble', so if you want those, you might have to be one of those well-organized people. Talking of which, this year's Christmas card design is next on my list of things to do... I just need a good idea!
Christmas cards page:
...and my 'normal' cards page:
New Shop for the Dolls site
I've also got a shop attached to the Dolls site now. Unfortunately it's totally separate from the system on my main site, but at least you can now buy the greetings cards and badges in pounds sterling for a change! To see it go to and click on 'shop'.
The Facebook page
I've been keeping up the Facebook page, so if you'd like more frequent updates than I send out by email, feel free to add yourself as a 'fan' of the page. However, I've now closed my MySpace and LiveJournal accounts.
Contact details
My email account seems to have been slightly unreliable of late, though the people running it claim to have proved there is nothing wrong with it at all. So that's alright then.
Assurances aside, I have added a lot more to the contact page on my website, just in case. Including alternative email and and extra phone number.
Well, that's it for the moment, but it looks like a busy autumn, so expect the occasional update. Anything else you want to know, please email me...
take care
Nancy Farmer
Visit my Gallery of Paintings at
Visit the Dolls website at
Visit the Fornicating Fairies at
All images © Nancy Farmer (unless otherwise stated), all rights reserved. Please email me if you wish to reproduce any of the images on this site