Newsletter 31st October ’05
Hi there
The Autumn months seem to have a habit of being very busy with exhibitions, and on top of this I finally re-wrote the paintings website - it's almost all complete and has been up for about a month now - so this email is a little sparse by comparison - have a look at the website if you want to see where all the work has really been happening lately.
This Newsletter covers both my painting and photographic work - if you've only seen one of my websites, here they both are:
Visit my gallery of Paintings at
Visit the Dolls’ website (photographs) at
News & New Stuff
The Paintings Website:
The new website went up just before the Skin Two Expo. I hope you find it easier to locate what you're looking for - I certainly do - but if anything is confusing or just plain wrong do please let me know!
I've added a Titles page with each image listed alphabetically (which really helps in finding things - as I could never remember which category I'd put an image into), and there are even one or two older images in there that haven't seen the light of day for a while. I've also put back up the list of Original Paintings that I have available - click the link or go to Buying Stuff and look down the list of contents there. The information on prints is now finally updated, with both smaller and bigger prints than before, and discounts and everything, and the home page has a list of anything new on the site since it first went up a month ago, including these:

Tattooed Fairy: step-by-step images
Over a year ago now, when I did the 'Tattooed Fairy' painting, I took a series of images as I went along - they're finally up on the website if you're interested in seeing how my paintings happen. The link will take you to the Paintings Materials page (under info on the main menu), where you can see this series by following the link from there.

Christmas Cards
This afternoon I've even put up a page of Christmas cards - for which I apologise, as I think it's far too early, but it seemed a good idea to do it now as I wanted to list a set of them on Ebay by way of an experiment to see if there are any takers for all the designs I've been doing over the years - the Christmas section in the gallery has the oldest images on the site, going back to 1993.
Recent Paintings:
I have only the one new painting to show you since most of my time has been split between writing code and standing around trying to look helpful. This is The Ashtray Overnight... you may not be aware of it, but this little fairy is responsible for stinking your house out overnight - if you forget to empty an ashtray.You can get a close-up of part of it by ckicking on the link above.

That's currently it for completed paintings. I'm now half way through sketching out a scene from Classical Greek Mythology - with my own twist added - but as it's now up to 11 people, and still counting, it may be a while before this one's finished!
The Dolls go to the Seaside:
I finally got the dolls down to the seaside - two weeks after the August Bank Holiday, on a bright and slightly chilly Monday - over-inquisitive dogs were the only real hazard on the otherwise deserted beach. This image seemed to be a favourite at the Skin Two Expo, which I was rather pleased about as it's one I particularly like:

You can see the rest of the images here or follow the thumbnail from the Photo Gallery.
Please see my Exhibitions Pageon the website.
Here are the links for my ebay listings:
prints of my painted work or search for seller id nancy_farmer
prints of the doll pictures or search for seller id fetishdollies
That's about it for now - anything else you want to know, email me...
take care
Nancy Farmer
Visit the Dolls website at
Visit my Gallery of Paintings at
All images © Nancy Farmer (unless otherwise stated), all rights reserved. Please email me if you wish to reproduce any of the images on this site